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Do you want to participate in an extraordinary race? This is where it happens!

The Kite Challenge is an exceptional Kite race but above all a challenge accessible to all as long as you know how to go back to the wind!!!

Indeed the whole race is done by offshore wind and this thanks to a wind that we love so much: the Tramontane.

Gruissan is therefore preparing to welcome 500 kitesurfers for its eighth edition 2021, pros and amateurs, for an extraordinary long-distance race. Entertainment and wild evenings will also be on the program!

Let us never forget 2020 and remember how lucky we are to practice this sport, to have this freedom and especially health!

#nomorecovid19 #alltogetheragainstthecorona #fight4life #coronavirus



A word from Philippe Bru regarding the cancellation of this 2020 edition:

Here are the words of Philippe Bru: “Faced with a strong storm warning, sometimes you have to know how to stay safe. We are here in the “sometimes”. Faced with the current situation, all the minimum conditions necessary for the organization of Defi Kite 2020 are definitely no longer met and the associated risks are too high. Thus, he would not be responsible for continuing the implementation of the event. We have therefore decided to postpone the project to accommodate 500 kites in 2021. The Defi Kite 500 will take place in Gruissan from 7 to 9 May 2021. Thank you for your understanding. Be at the rendezvous of 2021 so that we can be there too. Take care of yourself.”


Bringing together pros and amateurs at the same time on the same starting line, here is the spirit of this 8th edition of the Kite Challenge,organized by Philippe Bru and his team. Stronger than the Tramontane, Gruissan is preparing to welcome 500 kitesurfers,pros and amateurs, for an extraordinary long-distance race.
Entertainment and wild evenings are also on the program!

See you at the Gruissan Kite Challenge
from 7 to 9 May 2021, the Tram’ awaits you!

Kite Challenge 2021

The Kite Challenge 2021 in Gruissan – The largest Kitesurfing race in the world